involved in planning

美 [ɪnˈvɑːlvd ɪn ˈplænɪŋ]英 [ɪnˈvɒlvd ɪn ˈplænɪŋ]
  • 参与计划的
involved in planninginvolved in planning
  1. In most large companies management is directly involved in planning the advertising .


  2. Seung says he will be involved in planning public building projects , including housing .


  3. Sthe motor cortex is involved in planning , and executing arm movement .


  4. United Nations officials were heavily involved in planning the elections , which took place without any major violence .


  5. It is well worth all the effort involved in planning your worker processes to enable more responsive applications .


  6. Scientists found people who carry the gene have larger volumes in a front part of the brain involved in planning and decision-making .


  7. This lesson focuses the principles involved in planning the solo improvisation part based on song structure and practical aspects of worship .


  8. India has also been looking into the possibility that one of its citizens , under arrest for months , was involved in planning the attack .


  9. Those with the lowest scores tended to have more damage to the right side of the brain , in an area involved in planning and decision-making .


  10. Project Cost Management includes the processes involved in planning , estimating , budgeting , and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget .


  11. Exploration and development geologists , geophysicists , engineers , and managers involved in planning a deepwater development or engaged in developing a deepwater discovery .


  12. The Planning to implement Service Management module handles all the issues and tasks involved in planning , implementing , and improving the IT service management processes that will be deployed .


  13. Chinese construction companies have been involved in planning coal-based projects in the US , including the energy department-backed Texas Clean Energy plant , although many of those projects have stalled .


  14. Authorities would pay informants between 1000 yuan and 1 million yuan for tipoffs regarding groups and individuals involved in planning , inciting and executing acts of terrorism ;


  15. Every member of the department was involved in the planning stage of the project .


  16. There had to have been many people involved in the planning of this .


  17. The public should be involved in administrative planning has its solid theoretical foundation .


  18. The basic problems involved in the planning and management of IWT system are put forward ;


  19. But officials involved in the planning said a final decision hasn 't been reached .


  20. Prophase work : This project is involved in whole planning for Yunhe County .


  21. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included .


  22. Why did it take so long to realize that released prisoners were involved in the planning of this ?


  23. However , the prerequisite to achieve this goal is to develop a plan , and China must be involved in the planning .


  24. Perform and involved in audit planning , audit field work , reviewing , follow up and completion of the audit .


  25. The construction projects involved in the Planning shall be examined and approved pursuant to the procedures for infrastructures .


  26. The objective of the paper is to serve as a reference to practitioners who are involved in the planning and design of sustainable transportation systems .


  27. In the former parts , a comprehensive review of burial practice is carried out in order to determine the elements involved in cemetery planning .


  28. Politically , the federal government began to change in the role of state functions , directly involved in the planning of public works , construction and management .


  29. When not involved in the planning of exhibitions , At Art3 intends to support the study of related arts and contemporary culture research programs .


  30. Again , we were so thankful for those involved in the planning were burdened for people attending to hear the gospel message clearly .
